Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

'Observing Modern 'Day-to-Day' Life ----- ''

September 30, 2024 · By Mike Robin · No Comments

(Occasional blog)

At the risk of being tasked of taking a 'negative' approach, it does seem that modern life has in the UK thrown up a considerable number of challenges and difficulties for 'good ol' ordinary and honest folk', whilst the 'wealthy and powerful' have been having it quite good, resulting in the questioning of some as to whether there's been a general trend moving away from democracies towards plutocracies - the 'upper echelons ' few holding the reins of power - ? The distribution of wealth, for instance, is said to have narrowed considerably.

The role of money may have changed somewhat in stronger self-orientated times, and staff management styles reverted more to more authoritarian modes which can have contributed to more constrained conditions for those of the 'freerange' bent - ? The changing role of money is examined, along with relevant business modes.

The semi self-sufficiency style of life here at the organic micro-holding (small smallholding) in the UK heartlands has mitigated against the life problems due to the considerable cost of living rises here over the last couple of years, helping on several fronts. This year's growing efforts have been hampered at times by quite cold spring and summer air temperatutes, along with 'natural' pest attacks in the form of carerpillar attacks on the brassica plants - 'caterplillar carnage' has had to have been the order of the day otherwise there'd be no production. Crops of potatoes, onions, broad beans, peas , celery and runner beans have been variable - no two growing seasons are ever the same.

Energy costs have been kept to reasonable levels by using more wood stored on site, and bringing into use other supplies, such as smokeless fuels, also stored here and purchased previously at lower prices. Some cottage painting has occurred, along with general improvements here and there.


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'Prime Time --- '

January 11, 2024 · By Mike Robin · 2 Comments

(Occasional blog)

'Hands on' activities can give what might be called 'prime satisfactions', such as making things and/or growing own food, and the like. It might be that if the activity is linked to another area, say, such as 'working in nature', the experience can be enhanced. If that involves 'growing biologically', without using chemical fertilisers or sprays, then cultural methods from way back when, such as rotational crop growing, need to be used to maintain/enhance the on-going fertility of the soil. 'Organic' fertilisers such as compost can of course be used, making good use of the crop and general garden waste - here at the eco organic micro-holding (small smallholding) in the UK midlands it's a two year process involved in compost production, but shorter term systems are possible.

This time of year, deep mid-winter is the 'slack' time, allowing some rest via winter semi-hibernation - also useful for aiding motivation a bit later on, needed for the busy 'planting and sowing' stretch. There's though still a few mid-winter chores needing to be done, such as bringing in wood and kindling for the woodstove, and harvesting winter crops such as greens and leeks, plus the early winter produce of turnips, celery and beetroot.

It can be argued that the 'primary' function of a business is to supply goods and services to society that are needed - that is, are 'in demand', even though in practice it could seem that in modern times, making themselves 'large profits' can often seem to be the primary objective. There are some firms though that don't go helter-skelter for making max profits, and by focusing more on giving good value, service and quality goods and services, risk having longer-term more secure businesses, with a stronger customer base.

Micro-life here on the micro-holding has certainly slowed up now in winter, with time to think ahead a little, to order seeds for the coming year, and to sort out and plan for any needed additional activities - and then, to shortly start sowing some of the early crops ----- 


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'Modern Macro/Micro Life'

October 13, 2023 · By Mike Robin · 3 Comments

(Occasional blog)

A patchy summer weather-wise has produced a mixed set of results in the veg growing department, although some crops such as potatoes haven't cropped too badly. Yet another new pest has attacked the leek crop, with the result that there are now no leeks available this winter, as too has happened with the purple sprouting winter brassica crop, so overall winter supplies from the veg growing area will be somewhat depleted, counteracted though, by the fact that considerably more turnips and parsnips have been grown.

A new addition to the 'eco travel' fleet has been an electric bike which has a more appropriate range than the former model here at the organic micro holding (small smallholding) in the UK's midland region, and which would seem to be one of the world's most economic forms of motive power, as well as supremely 'eco friendly'.

Some of the UK's broadsheet papers have been branding the UK a 'sick nation', outlining the seeming quite a few areas which have  considerable problems, and one correspondant highlights the differences between the UK and his holiday destination, Mallorca. The political party's politicians seem reluctant to assume responsibility for the situation, preferring to highlight their 'positive achievments', but maybe underestimating folk in general, thereby risking some negativity in the form of 'counter-productivity' - ? 


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'Numero Uno'

July 9, 2023 · By Mike Robin · No Comments

(Occasional blog)

Cultures can vary significantly, and can change over time. Here in the UK, in days gone by the accent was more on social priorities, whereas these days the 'out for self' philosophy would seem to dominate more, with social priorities taking more of a back seat. In times of emergency, individual priorities have had to take the back seat, the security of the nation becoming the main priority. In less urgent times it would seem that a balance between individual and social priorities needs to be struck - ?

The growing season here at the organic micro-holding (small smallholding)in the UK midlands hasn't been too bad with decent crops of broad beans, potatoes, calabrese, peas and salads items, and with other crops such as beetroot, onions and parsnips coming along well. In response to high inflation rates - especially in food and energy - more stuff's been planted and more produce -beans and peas - has been stored by freezing.

The balance between individual and social priorities is examined further, then community living is introduced, being particularly relevant both to the main topic, and to the daily life relating to the micro-holding, adding further diverse dimensions to day-to-day living, and so with luck contributing more life meaning ----- 


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'The Long --- and the Short --- of it ----'

May 22, 2023 · By Mike Robin · 5 Comments

Occasional blog 8

Sometimes problems can crop up in the short-term which then 'resolve themselves' in the longer-term ---- The short-term outlook for the crops here at the eco organic micro-holding (small smallholding) in the Uk midlands looks reasonably good in spite of a sort of 'stop-start' spring, Some seeds have been quite slow to emerge, and germination rates haven't been at their best, whilst other crops such as onions from sets ('baby onions') have forged ahead, as have the early potatoes started under plastic, which look particularly good.

Longer-term considerations involve both fuel supplies and on-going soil fertility. Fuel supplies for next winter are building-up nicely, to be added to with regular sawing sessions, a feature of the summer season.  The current compost heap is getting regular contributions, mainly from weeds and excess herbage growth at this time of year.

The 'push for profits' modern trend seems to continue unabated, although a brief case-study shows that one experienced campaigner operated somewhat differently, eschewing the short-term 'push-for-profits' style in favour of longer-term more sustainable profit making. In the case of farming, for instance, before the advent of chemical farming systems, any chosen method had to build-in longer-term aspects of soil fertility, growing a mix of 'demanding' crops (eg. wheat) and 'replenishing' crops (eg. legumes - peas and beans)         


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'Wrong Roads Running - ?'

March 30, 2023 · By Mike Robin · 2 Comments

(This is occasional blog 7)

Western-style cultures are pretty heavily commercialised, tending to be geared to individual gain, but maybe lacking in  'social balance' which other cultures do manage, which could promote some problem areas - ?

The new growing season here at the organic eco micro-holding in ther UK midlands has got off to a useful start with seedlings, onion sets and broad beans already 'on the go', and thriving. The broad beans not only fertilise the soil, being a legume, but also come available, if grown early enough, in the 'hungry gap' May-June period.

Wood supplies are just lasting out, with the air-source heat pump too helping to keep costs at bay -here in the UK energy costs have risen 100%, which along with significant food costs inflation, have seemingly caused some consternation for quite a few. Some have considered that the strong level of commercialism has 'dumbed down' the culture to quite a degree.

Living in what seems to be an increasingly 'power and money geared' world may mean that individuals need to be aware of the need to self-protect, with the freerange approach of attaining a degree of self-reliance being a practical move in that direction. 


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Towards Fuller Fulfilment --- Pt 2

March 24, 2023 · By Mike Robin · 1 Comment

Concluding section to 'Towards Fuller Fulfilment--- Pt 1 (see below)


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A Practical Route to 'Expanded Awareness' - Towards 'Fuller Fulfilment' - Pt 1

March 22, 2023 · By Mike Robin · 3 Comments

The longer piece accessed here would normally be on the 'books' page of this site - due to technical hitches it now appears here - press 'read more' to access.


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'Indignez-vous ----- '

October 30, 2022 · By Mike Robin · 1 Comment


(This is the sixth occasional blog since the regular monthly blogs ceased - without pics due to technical issues - apologies)

The local rural area hereabouts has a useful sense of community, which these days may not be the case everywhere - ? It's helped by the fact it has its own church and at least equally important, a social club with bar, which facilitates people meeting up socially, as well as facilitating local social functions. There being so many large concerns in today's world has prompted some commentaters to question as to whether 'power poor' individuals have to some extent been dis-empowered, and as a result, have lost individual strength - ?

Some though, have formed their own 'mini communities', an example of which is illustrated. Perhaps it's the free market culture encouraging 'lone individual' operation which has then promoted to a degree individual 'alienation', along with modern commercial practice such as, say, non-contact shopping - ? This may to some extent tie in with the ancient ( and modern?) notion of man needing to 'find their way home', which was not nesessarily the case with some old-time so-called primitive peoples - ?

Now that religion seems to have been down-played in mainstream life, some are suggesting that it is man as the 'top dog' animal that has to then take up the reins of responsibility, which then has the implication that a varity of important areas (eg. such as environment, social, long-term security etc), rather than just individual focus, need to be taken more into account ----- A letter from a group of business leaders to a broadsheet paper last year supported such a more 'bio-diverse' approach.


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'Everyday Living --- '

September 14, 2022 · By Mike Robin · 2 Comments

'Flash' living could seem to be the order of the day, certainly according to the week-end broadsheet papers, and maybe 'over-fuelled by the 'excitement' factor - ? And currently not sitting that well with the considerable 'everyday' life problems for folk here in the UK ----

The growing season here at the eco organic micro-holding (small smallholding) in the UK midlands has on the whole been a good one, with potatoes, beans, beetroot and brassicas all doing well and only one or two failures. More peas and beans were put in the freezer than normally, due to the dodgy economic situation here in the UK, with folk facing rapidly rising  everyday living costs. Pests, in particular caterpillars on the brassicas, have been a problem, then solved by a somewhat amazing growth recovery by them

A couple of relatively lucky energy purchases, coupled with using 'steady price' wood, have helped the situation here at the micro holding, as well as the general 'self-sufficency' approach of having reserve supplies on hand. Folk in general though seem to be being pretty hard hit by the substantial price rises, particularly of energy supplies, as are small businesses.

It could seem that the range of business objectives needs to be wider, with the current strong focus on maximising profits causing problems in that other important areas then get less needed attention, which could be a result of a too 'out-for-self' general approach - ? As folk actually live in societies it,  a balance between individual and social priorities would seem to be needed - ? Some might say that in the UK the two main political parties have been too idealogically placed at either end of such a spectrum.



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