Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: September 2011

Rich Man, Poor Man--------

September 19, 2011 ·

Can a person lead an 'enriched' life whilst being materially relatively not well-off, and likewise could the reverse be sometimes true? One 'freeranger' couple , for instance, who would definitely come under the official 'poor' classification, would nevertheless consider they lead 'rich' lives.

One of the potential difficulties with a strong financial focus could be its 'narrowing' effect, limiting the scope and values of those such as freerangers' who might well want to live 'multi-dimensional lives, rating ,for instance, areas such as community, environment, relationships and personal satisfaction/fulfillment to be important. It may be useful in a strongly-geared money culture, to take measures to limit its potentially (all?) powerful effects and achieve a necessary and satisfactory multi-dimensional 'life balance'.


Tags: Free Range Living

Balancing Acts-------------

September 15, 2011 · 1 Comment

Meeting life needs here from a mix of money and 'own effort' sources, means getting some sort of 'balance', as probably in many areas of life. Eco micro-holding life went quieter in the restful month of August, but now in Sept there are jobs such as house painting and conservatory renovation to get done before winter, as well as sorting out some new radiators and flushing out the new last winter log burner central heating system, besides the myriad of small jobs - mostly a 'labour of love' - which generally need doing and providing spice in life in the form of a varied programme. The new solar electric system continues to perform pretty well, the focus now settling on whether to use some of the 'free' daytime electric produced to power an electric form of transport.


1 CommentTags: Eco-holding husbandries