Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: January 2014

'Freerange Future ----- ?'

January 21, 2014 ·

Winter weather has come - there again, it is mid-winter. Both the missing birds and wasted leeks conundrums have been solved, but not necessarily the best news.

Will individuals still be needing to take self-responsible 'freerange' measures to 'survive and thrive' in the future. The evidence could suggest that this be the case, and to this end, a 'freerange' review and appraisal of possible moves for the future have been in process here on the organic eco micro-holding (small smallholding), as have probably for many.


Tags: Free Range Living · Eco-holding husbandries