Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: May 2015

'Weighing up -----'

May 11, 2015 ·

A fast-coming spring this year at the micro-holding has mean't that countryside, wildlife and growing crops have all 'blossomed' in double-quick time, with for some reasons, a profusion of goldfinches hereabouts - ? Hopefully the foot-high healthy crop of onions won't be hit by the alium miner fly again, but if they strike ,the nettle juice is on hand ---- .

Next year's bought wood supply is currently arriving on the driveway, to then be wheelbarrowed into the 'logs-istics' centre to get hopefully pretty dry by next winter. The woodstove consumes quite a bit of wood over a winter running as it does for a fair length of time each day, relying on the bought supply and some already here in various logpiles.

Has the effect of money, for instance, over-simplified 'complex' life, which might contribute to some of the modern day limitations/problems - ? Whilst wealth seems to be a strongly desirable feature of modern culture, one report suggests it may not necessarily always be a bed of roses for the wealthy, leading to the question as to whether, as one ex UK Prime Minister recently stated, a more balanced society isn't needed for longer-term sustainable viability - ?

Energy firms in the UK were once again recently in the spotlight with complaints about their practice of changing their customers payments, generally upwards it seems, without any consultation or permission sought for them to do so. As this could seem to impinge on personal freedoms, the question would seem to be as to whether such an autonomous practice could be upheld in law - ?


Tags: Free Range Living · Eco-holding husbandries