Lots of late season micro-holding (small smallholding) activities have taken place through October - from scything nettles, to harvesting produce, to buildng gateways and fences, to digging in green manure - and all the rest. Good to get them done and keep the place shipshape. Can't win 'em all, though, and the usual pest attack happened on the leeks, and whether they recover could be a moot point ---
The organisation needed to cope with using the renewable fuel source that is wood is considerable, from providing dry storage right through to having available kindling to start the fire, plus sawing facilities if free wood is to be made use of. The potential benefits to the micro-holder are considerable, including effective cost savings, eco-friendly operations and home-made fertiliser, all amounting to providing the micro-holder with considerable satisfactions.
The need for and scope of independent 'freerange-style' living could go well beyond the harvest of personal satisfactions, to the realms of 'expanded awareness/consciousness', then accessing further life-affirming positives, and reportedly only accessed at the individual level, as is also the strawberry bed, still in sore need of attention ---