The colder December weather here on the eco micro-holding (small smallholding) in the UK midlands has brought on the winter bird feeding, and apparently, according to the news, the slightly startling news that there's been quite an increase in the number of people in the UK who have to choose between 'eat or heat'. Various solutions have been proffered, but maybe the problem could just lie in having only a few large powerful suppliers - ?
British dairy farmers have also been facing 'large-scale' power, protesting at the below viability milk prices they've been getting. One concern in the UK rural sector is that the current exodus of small-scale independent dairy producers will inexorably then lead to the establishment of very large industrial-scale indoor milk production units, to the detriment of the smaller independent producers unloved by large-scale operators, and possibly to independence within society itself, and of course to the ability of animals to lead 'natural behaviour' lives.
The emphasis on 'large' and the seemingly growing number of large, powerful commercial organisations, and governments seemingly keen on having 'high-control' roles in society could have threat implications to the power-bereft microcosm that is the individual, even though eminent writers have over the years warned against the limitations on 'giantism', and supported the notion that individuals are the source of 'quality values'. The individual may well need to seek to counter some of the modern cultural effects, the use , for instance of, solar generated electric being a possible way of limiting if not negating continuing rising costs.