Wet weather pervades here on the organic eco micro holding (small smallholding) in th UK midlands, with the seasons about a month late, with one effect being that there don't seem to be many garden birds on the feeders. Maintenance work such as hedging , lopping and clearing is the order of the day, along with porch door making.
In terms of organic veg production, runner beans have been a bit disappointing, but other mico holding produce hasn't beeen too bad, with a variety of produce available for use. More wood has been sawn up to top up a dwindling logstore, with the woodstove now in winter mode, lit at midday. Having wood as a main fuel certainly gives a 'hands-on' experience.
One 'freerange' couple decded to live life for awhile 'supermarket-less' and found that after a month or two , they weighed less and their bank balance was more healthy - an interesting 'free-range' type of living experiment. It can be hard to avoid supermarkets which seem to have had 'large-scale'- type power, some of them using it for instance to 'influence' their suppliers. Some of the wider and more longer-term effects of supermarkets have not been seen in a positive light by some, maybe making an argument for there to be curbs on them - ? Maybe writers like Orwell and Huxley were right to warn about the dangers of 'power-block' life - ?