Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: April 2014

'Life ------'

April 21, 2014 ·

'Spring has sprung' with a bit of a vengance here on the UK midlands organic eco micro-holding (small smallholding), with a profusion of flowers out and emerald green fields hereabouts. The micro-holding crops have gone in well and appear to be doing quite well, with other micro-holding jobs proceeding ok too.

'Spiritualism' appears to be on a mainstream wane in western type materialistically-based cultures, even though according to broadsheet newspaper reports it is still important to many - a majority, even - of individuals. Maybe in the 'age of the accountant', non-measurable quantities have by default fared less well, and/or a strong focus on money and money-making has left less room for matters social and/or spiritual, for instance - ?

Is there more to life than money, and has what economists have termed 'the money veil' obscured any bigger/deeper view(s) - ? How important is 'life meaning', and might it be found in a variety of forms, some more concrete than others- ? Maybe the interest in and connection with, nature, that many seem to have, indicates that a bigger than small-self vista is needed , as well as a 'down-to earth' facility - ?


Tags: Free Range Living · Eco-holding husbandries