Autumn is both the maintenance and the 'preparing for winter' season here at the organic eco micro-holding in the UK midland heartlands. Sorting and sawing wood is a major part of the latter, with both two man chainsaw and one man sawbench operations taking place to ensure a decent wood supply to last the winter out, and at the same time providing satisfying work.
It's been a pretty good growing year for both micro-holding veg and for wasps, with old fashioned cornfield gleaning resulting in straw for the chicken house and run, aiming to look after them well, the same intention apparently as a local food supermarket which announced that it would only stock milk from grazed cows. A variety of seasonal tasks beckons , all working to the 'end of season' satisfying purpose.
Getting pleasure and joy out of everyday activities might be seen as 'small beer' in today's 'fame and fortune' culture, but also as a blessing for those who can, employing even, an 'expanded awareness' approach - ? Various authors have expanded on this theme, raising again Fritz Schumacher;s theme that 'small can be yet beautiful', supported too by eastern mysticsm examples..