Onwards through the summer the eco organic micro-holding's journey continues with the usual ups and downs, but always in countryside that's gorgeous this time of year. Crop results have been as usual mixed resulting in the feeling that it'd be useful to make and use even more compost, especially after seeing the outstanding crops of the freeranger couple featured below in this piece. The chickens, though, sail on regardless ----- and soft fruit production has been one of this year's features.
Interesting freerange-type of bedtime reading has come unexpectedly from one of the downtown charity shops, which sell books at very reasonable rates, including some 'extreme freeranging' classics - interesting to read them again. Some modern 'live' examples of extreme and semi-extreme freeranging are related, along with some of the effects thereof.
Quite a range - a freerange - of reading material has materialised via this source - useful to read before surrendering to the world of the sub-conscious ----- .