Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: November 2019

'Not Necessarily So ---- '

November 12, 2019 ·

The local countryside here at the organic eco micro-holding in the UK heartlands has been stunning, in spite of enduring a very wet last six weeks (lots of heavy flooding in the north of the UK currently). That may be a factor in the instance that a lot of wildlife has been in evidence in the same period. The whole growing season has been untypical with cold periods in the spring retarding plant growth -it looked touch and go for awhile for instance as to whether the onion plants would survive - but then coming good in the latter half of the season with some useful later crops. The small mini flock of new-ish chickens are now enjoying their daily excursion into the paddock - proper 'freerangers' now.

The recent rise in prominence of the 'mindfullness' practice movement has focused some thought on how in touch with reality people are, particularly with the phenomena of 'fake news' being evident these days.There's some thought that suggests that the more a person can connect to 'real reality' without a need to 'bend' it to their own spec, the better they'll then be able to handle 'bigger realities' and so to connect with Tao (univeral energy field). At the same time there's also seemingly a rise in movements which work to gain security (in an increasingly insecure world - ?) by collective power, not necessarily though the best news for independent thinkers such as, say, 'freerangers', who can then get 'cancelled' from the 'collective'. The 'real self' realists might of course argue that ultimately finding real self strength and experiencing unity and full 'self validity' might provide the most authentic and longest lasting security ----' Yer pays yer money ----' ('and teks yer choice ---- ').

Wealth, luxury living, 'flash' living are all in vogue although some problematic downsides appear to exist and there's  fairly obvious conflicts with wider problen areas such as 'planet degradation'. It may be a moot point as to whether wealth brings well being and happiness, in what some have called 'the age of distraction' - ? Micro-holding life holds little 'flash' content with focus seemingly more on quieter longer-term fulfillment, including local community 'well being'.


Tags: Free Range Living · Eco-holding husbandries