Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Entries for month: July 2022

'No Itch to be Rich ---- '

July 18, 2022 · No Comments

Money and wealth have become prominent in recent times, probably more so than at earlier periods, with seemingly strong focus on , say, accumulating wealth, the degree of which being the area reservationists might baulk at - ? Interesting to note that some of the 'greatest' historical figures -Buddha say -were presumably pretty non-wealthy ---- 

Life on the micro-holding (small smallholding) in the UK midlands has proceeded on its existential low money trajectory, providing useful occupation and satisfying experiences, as well as this year useful crops and good flower displays. The partial self-sufficiency self-reliant lifestyle has come into its own in terms of countering the sharp rise in UK living costs in recent times, particularly in the area of energy provision. The estimated 3 - 4 years reasonably priced fuel stocks on site should be able to mitigate against such dramatic market rises, giving a degree of needed practical security, an advantage of such a lifestyle. 'Freeranger' off-gridders, unaffected by such price trends, will presumably be feeling suitably justified with their previous decisions ---- 

The money-geared type of culture may be limited in terms of wider and deeper values and human needs as prevous studies have tended to show, and presumably supported by the situation that wealthy folk are as a group apparently not particularly happy, reportedly stressing over their position in the rich league table. Wealth distribution has reportedly narrowed significantly with 1% of folk now owning 50% of wealth. Might though the effects of wealth produce some potential outcomes that prove to be limitations rather than benefits? Some of the possibilities are reviewed and a couple of case-studies presented.




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