Free-Range Living

What is Free-Range Living?

'Freerange' living might perhaps be described as the individual(s) aiming to lead an 'independent' style of life, thinking and deciding for themselves, determining their own values, along with aiming to live life in a naturally self and socially responsible manner.

Money ------

July 21, 2014 ·

The micro-holding environment has been as stunning as ever this season, withe the cottage garden flowers blooming profusely, and the greens and browns of the surrounding fields and hedgerows providing a gorgeous backdrop.

Another 'penny-less' projecct is underway after last year's 'penny-less porch' - that's constructing a sizeable extension to the 'Rough Office' in the paddock, virtually all out of materials that have accumulated for free around the place. A bigger project but taken in stages, hopefully it'll 'come to pass'.

As far as this year's cropping goes, it's been quite a good year, although disaster struck the normally dependable onion crop, which then was rescued - fingers crossed  - by an 'innovative' organic remedy.

'Labours of love' don't seem to figure too prominently in today's 'pots of dosh' focused culture, which means that individual motivations may get less of a look in - not great news for self-motivated, self-responsible 'freerangers' - ? The 'it's all about money' creed seems to have held sway, but is, as they say, 'is  everything about money' - ? The motivation theorists, for instance, might beg to differ.


Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

'Rich ----- '

June 19, 2014 ·

The ample recent rains seem to have made the countryside hereabouts (UK midlands), more lush than ever, and the same in West Wales, as experienced on a recent break there. The rural Welsh seem to be a 'well sorted' breed with strong community and family priorities. Maybe living in such stunning surroundings and with such space supports their independence of spirit, and seeming ability to 'go their own way'.

The policy here on the organic eco micro-holding (small smallholding) in these budget tightening times is to explore ways of coping economically to limit 'financial stress', the recent solar hot water provider helping in that direction, and with the possibility of adding a stand-alone heat-from-air extraction system to help provide further insulation/protection from the oligopolistic (few large powerful firms) energy suppliers.

Home-grown food can help significantly to keep costs down, particularly following, say, a 'limited meat' diet option, and it's predicted food prices will rise sharply in the next few years. Growing 'organically' can be cheaper via the use of a 'permaculture' system, as well as providing 'seasonal delight', but certain measures such as rotational growing are needed.

Uk society seems to continue to be geared to favour the 'big and strong' at the expense of so-called 'ordinary folk', with inequalities within the National Health Service being the latest example being quoted in the press. Maybe there's over-emphasis on money and money-making in today's culture, needing more 'balance' with higher priority the given to, say, social priorities, for instance - ? ( as societies exist, i.e. are a fact of life, so then do social needs and priorities - ?)

Hey ho, back to the hoe  ----





Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

'Maytime Marvels ----- '

May 31, 2014 ·

This May-time here in the UK midlands at the organic eco micro-holding (small smallhholding) seems to have produced particularly stunning spring landscapes, from majestic green-leafed trees to hedgerows and wild flowers.

The un-wild flowers in the micro-holding are pretty stunning too, and the veg crops are doing pretty well - all in all it's been a good, warm spring. Living in the countryside seems to give good awareness of seasonal effects and a feel for the rythyms of nature - with people largely urbanised these days maybe the connection with nature is not  as strong as it used to be - ? Gardening is now said to be a 'therapy' activity', for instance.

Reports of happenings by large concerns in what's been called 'the rip-off' culture still crop up pretty often in the press,  seemingly effects of the 'free-market' 'do what you want' culture now more a 'free-for-all' market with large and powerful players - ? The small 'unpowerful' micro-unit that is the individual could seem to be under some threat, as  then are maybe hard-fought for freedoms and individual rights - ? Taking 'freerange' type self-responsibility might be an important 'survive and thrive' tactic - here the addition of a useful device to the domestic solar electric unit which diverts unused solar power to the hot water tank, in effect then giving 'free' hot water, is the latest measure trying to stem the tide of rising costs.






Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

'Life ------'

April 21, 2014 ·

'Spring has sprung' with a bit of a vengance here on the UK midlands organic eco micro-holding (small smallholding), with a profusion of flowers out and emerald green fields hereabouts. The micro-holding crops have gone in well and appear to be doing quite well, with other micro-holding jobs proceeding ok too.

'Spiritualism' appears to be on a mainstream wane in western type materialistically-based cultures, even though according to broadsheet newspaper reports it is still important to many - a majority, even - of individuals. Maybe in the 'age of the accountant', non-measurable quantities have by default fared less well, and/or a strong focus on money and money-making has left less room for matters social and/or spiritual, for instance - ?

Is there more to life than money, and has what economists have termed 'the money veil' obscured any bigger/deeper view(s) - ? How important is 'life meaning', and might it be found in a variety of forms, some more concrete than others- ? Maybe the interest in and connection with, nature, that many seem to have, indicates that a bigger than small-self vista is needed , as well as a 'down-to earth' facility - ?


Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

' Art ----- ?'

March 13, 2014 ·

One dictionary definition of 'art' is 'skill', so presumably art here on the eco organic micro-holding (small smallholding) in the UK midlands is a mix of some skills and 'feeling' - the feeling, for instance, that it's good to work 'with nature', rather than agin it.

Its 'soil nutrients replenishment ' time on the micro holding currently, putting on compost and ash, plus planting some early potatoes under plastic and starting to get the onion sets (small 'baby' onions), in. The relatively mild winter here has resulted in early grass growth as well as early delicious purple sprouting. Wood for the woodstove is now in more limited supply, but should last out  - just.

Cutting costs has been part of a 'counter strategy here to combat a culture that seems at times to be 'monetarially demanding', with some success on the insurance costs front. 'Good value for money' and good customer recognition can seem at times to be 'yesterday's fare', but might there, in the longer-term, be yet something to be said for it - putting, for instance, less pressure on making high short-term profits, but then reaping longer-term advantage - ?  The 'Zen' approach may be relevant for some and has the advantage of being relatively 'down to earth' whilst at the same time offering the potential for personal spirituality.



Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

Small life ------

February 20, 2014 ·

'Big is best' can seem to be a guiding cultural principle these days, but does that mean 'small', especially in the form of individuals, get shorter shrift - ? The 'small' life here in the organic eco micro-holding in the UK midlands continues through the winter - the record winter rain levels making things mess-ier than normal in these parts. Clearing growing ground of weeds to the compost heap has been a recent job, with compost and wood ash spreading imminent, and with still a variety of produce available.

Compassion, 'fellow feeeling' - such  traits may no longer be in vogue in the current competitivesed material-based world , even though they could still be 'innately human' - ? So-called 'ordinary folk', though, may not have felt too much of it, one broadsheet paper piece pointing to the fact that whilst the 'well-off' have been doing pretty well, life for many has become quite a bit tougher, contrasting with life in the (officially) happiest country in the world, Denmark, as seen in a recent tv programme.

The 'drive for dosh' also affects the way animals are kept to supply produce, with ultra large indoor 'factory farming' units as in the US seemingly on the way in the UK, denying animals natural behaviour outlets.  Maybe individuals still need to be able to 'freerange' to their own values to 'survive and thrive' in the fast-paced, fast-changing world - ??


Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

'Freerange Future ----- ?'

January 21, 2014 ·

Winter weather has come - there again, it is mid-winter. Both the missing birds and wasted leeks conundrums have been solved, but not necessarily the best news.

Will individuals still be needing to take self-responsible 'freerange' measures to 'survive and thrive' in the future. The evidence could suggest that this be the case, and to this end, a 'freerange' review and appraisal of possible moves for the future have been in process here on the organic eco micro-holding (small smallholding), as have probably for many.


Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

'Taking Care ------? '

December 20, 2013 ·

Lots of late leaves this year at the eco micro-holding in the UK midlands - all good fodder for the compost heap, although some would demur. All the green waste goes to make free fertiliser via the compost heap, whilst also clearing it away. The winter veg is looking ok and should as normal supply greens throughout winter, but the normally dependable leek crop has been a bit of a sorry story.

'Screwing as much as possible' out of the punter seems to be accepted business practice in pursuit of 'mega bucks' profits these days, but doesn't always work, as a mini case study illustrates. Pressurising employees via targets and penalty systems also seems to be part of the current 'grand plan', with some, poor souls, reportedly having been driven to suicide. Notions of leadership and personal motivation and responsibility seem to have fallen by the wayside, but maybe short-term pressurisation tactics on people may have longer-term costs - ?

Time to take some time out to 'semi-hibernate', with time to reflect in front of the woodstove, and hopefully recharge the batteries, a process the incessant drive for profits type of culture may not facilitate easily - ?



Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living


November 21, 2013 ·

 Wet weather pervades here on the organic eco micro holding (small smallholding) in th UK midlands, with the seasons about a month late, with one effect being that there don't seem to be many garden birds on the feeders. Maintenance work such as hedging , lopping and clearing is the order of the day, along with porch door making.

In terms of organic veg production, runner beans have been a bit disappointing, but other mico holding produce hasn't beeen too bad, with a variety of produce available for use. More wood has been sawn up to top up a dwindling logstore, with the woodstove now in winter mode, lit at midday. Having wood as a main fuel certainly gives a 'hands-on' experience.

One 'freerange' couple decded to live life for awhile 'supermarket-less' and found that after a month or two , they weighed less and their bank balance was more healthy - an interesting 'free-range' type of living experiment. It can be hard to avoid supermarkets which seem to have had 'large-scale'- type power, some of them using it for instance to 'influence' their suppliers. Some of the wider and more longer-term effects of supermarkets have not been seen in a positive light by some, maybe making an argument for there to be curbs on them - ? Maybe writers like Orwell and Huxley were right to warn about the dangers of 'power-block' life - ?



Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living

Colder Times-------?

October 22, 2013 ·

Colder weather finally arrived mid-October on the organic eco micro-holding (small smallholding) here in the UK midlands, after the swallows departed later than usual. The later growing season has still proved to be quite productive, and the potatoes crop, for instance, has been quite good. Busy times on the eco micro-holding with a variety of jobs to do before winter sets in.

Independent life might produce a little less in the way of material gain, but the freedoms involved generally make life worth living, although the 'biggist' culture could well threaten such a 'freerange' way of life---? The work culture these days seems to be more of a 'control culture' getting people to work via 'external prompting' rather than 'internal motivation' work prompts, which again, could well not particularly suit those of the 'freerange' bent. One small rural UK farm workforce demonstrated, though, how well the 'internal work prompting' motivation route can work, providing various attributes to the workplace, provided the initial input into the workforce had been invested.

Maybe, though, the modern 'rush for profits' inhibits such longer-term people investment, with money having become a too-consuming focus----?


Tags: Eco-holding husbandries · Free Range Living